UNESCO involved in dispute over use of Coiba National Park


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) has requested the suspension of the land use plan of the Coiba National Park, which was approved on January 3.

Unesco’s request is in a preliminary report in which it asks to evaluate the possible negative impacts of the plan on the exceptional universal value of Coiba.

The evaluation, he adds, must be based on rigorous scientific data and must be completed and submitted on December 1, 2019 for the revision of the World Heritage Center of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The international organization also asked to ensure that the environmental impact study for the airport infrastructure project is prepared following the recommendations on studies of environmental assessments of IUCN and submitted on December 1, 2019 for review before project work begins. .

Unesco also requested to establish a program to monitor the impact of tourism on the protected area and inform the preparation of any program or plan related to tourism in the future.

READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/unesco-pide-suspender-plan-sobre-parque-coiba/24064685

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