Truce brief as Nicaraguans return to streets in protest

Human Interest

Thousands of Nicaraguans marched on Sunday, May 20, peacefully in the capital and other cities while accusing the government of breaching a truce, following an attack on a university, while the complaints continue before the IACHR .

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The protesters accuse the administration of President Daniel Ortega of breaking the 48-hour truce agreed in the dialogue between the government and opposition sectors.

Opponents accuse police of Saturday night’s shooting attack at a university in northeastern Managua in which four young people were injured.

The demonstrators, with flags of Nicaragua and sounding pots and whistles, met at the Rubén Darío roundabout in the west of the capital, near the hotel where the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) receives complaints about the events during the protests .

“To demand freedom there is no truce” or “to leave”, in reference to President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo , chanted the crowd.


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