Traces of blood found are linked to Saucedo


The lawyer Zoraida Saucedo’s defense requested time to know the details of the file – which consists of five volumes of 500 pages each – that link the jurist with the death of the Canadian Miomir Kotlica and Miguel Paez, on October 27 2017

The lawyer was also charged in an audience, on April 20, for the death of the Italian Furio Ferrari and his sentimental partner, Marialena Vallarino, in November of 2017.

A judicial source told La Estrella de Panama that in the case of the Canadian there is evidence linking the lawyer, who had a business relationship with certain foreign properties. According to the same source, in the lawyer’s vehicle, a white truck, ‘Kotlica’s blood remains were found’. The judicial informant added that “it is presumed that there was a struggle inside the car that caused a car window to break and the lawyer ordered it to be repaired.”


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