Tiger kills caretaker who profited from imprisonment

Human Interest

A personal interest story for me “JB”. I am a fan of seeing poachers and illegal game trade criminals fall at the very hands of those they exploit.  Enjoy

A caretaker has died after suffering a tiger attack at a zoo in Guilin, southern China, which was accused of producing medicinal wine made from tiger bones and which, despite being illegal, remains one of the most popular elixirs of traditional Chinese medicine.

The incident occurred last Tuesday when the operator of the Tigers and Bears Park in Guilin was cleaning the tigers’ enclosure, according to the South China Morning Post.

This center, which has not wanted to comment on the matter, has been involved in the controversy since 2007, when Chinese media denounced the covert sale of tiger bones to produce traditional medicine in a Guilin distillery linked to the park.

READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/internacional/mundo/tigre-mata-cuidador-chino-acusado-vender-vino-tigre/24062530

Welcome back JB. Head over to YouTube and you can see a plethora of videos of big game hunter and poacher fails. I look for these stories as well.

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