Spain joins Panama in DEATH investigation in Bocas. * Start with RED FROG SECURITY GUARDS


On July 30, the Panama Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the body belonged to Eneritz Argintxona

The Basque Police (Ertzaintza) have been collaborating “from the very beginning” with the Panamanian authorities in the investigation launched in the Central American country into the death of young Spanish woman Eneritz Argintxona.

At a press conference on Thursday 1 August in San Sebastian (north), the head of the Ertzaintza, Josu Bujanda, recalled that since the complaint about the disappearance of the girl became known at a police station, the Basque Autonomous Police “has placed itself in the hands of the Panamanian Justice and Police”.

The 30-year-old girl disappeared on July 23 on Carenero Island, in the province of Bocas del Toro, and her lifeless body was found in the same place three days later.

On July 30, the Panamanian Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the body was that of the young woman and that there were “indications” that her death could be a homicide.

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