PSA contract had no objections in 2015


No deputy in the National Assembly opposed Bill 122 – which would later become Law 2 of 2015 – which endorsed the contract for the PSA port to operate in Rodman.

The proposal was approved unanimously in the second and third debates – on January 27 and 28, 2015, respectively – without any discussion, much less objections or questioning through a minority report.

They were two days in which almost all the 71 deputies participated, including the PRD Roberto Ayala -who last week put the “goal” to repeal the contract- and his colleague Crispiano Adames , who in 2016 presented an initiative that sought the same goal . Even, all endorsed a proposal by Quibián Panay , also from the PRD, to omit the reading of the bill in both the second and third debate.

Ayala, who reappeared yesterday in the plenary session, defended the article that repealed Law 2 of 2015, introduced at the last minute in bill 53, which prohibits the sale of liquor in residential areas. He says how he voted in 2015, when the contract was approved. “I think he was traveling. I do not remember, “he said.



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