Pope speaks out against Maduro and Venezuela.


Pope Francis urged on Sunday to put an end to “social injustices, abuses and violence” in Venezuela and called for “a peaceful and negotiated solution” in Nicaragua .

In his traditional Easter Sunday message, Francisco reminded Latin Americans that “they suffer the consequences of difficult political and economic situations.”

The pontiff said to think mainly about the people of Venezuela, “so many people lacking the minimum conditions to live a dignified and safe life, due to a crisis that continues and gets worse”.

“May the Lord grant those who have political responsibilities to work to put an end to social injustice, abuse and violence, and to take concrete measures to heal divisions and give the population the help they need,” he said.

Venezuela is mired in a deep political, economic and humanitarian crisis that was aggravated by the proclamation in January of the opposition Juan Guaidó as president in charge of the country days after President Nicolás Maduro assumed a second term whose legitimacy was questioned by many foreign governments.

The Pope also had words of encouragement for the dialogue that takes place in Nicaragua to get out of the political crisis, after a year of anti-government protests that have left at least 325 dead in the country.

“May the risen Lord illuminate the efforts that are being made in Nicaragua to find as soon as possible a peaceful and negotiated solution for the benefit of all Nicaraguans,” said the Pope.


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