Panama needs to create 30,000 jobs a year to maintain good unemployment rate


The country needs to generate 30 thousand jobs a year to maintain a healthy unemployment rate


The vice-minister of Economy, Gustavo Valderrama, focuses the fall of unemployment and retail consumption in the lack of specialized labor and a projection of the business sector based on the growth of the last five years. So he spoke to the Polygraph.

What do they do to boost the retail consumer economy?

That moves in cycles. She offers 3%, it is not the cycle that was kept at 5%. What has driven downward is the entry of fewer tourists to Panama. The expense of tourism has not behaved as in previous years but that also has its explanation of why it has not had the result we have expected.

What went wrong in the tourism sector?

The figures showed, since the investments were developed in new hotel rooms, that the growth of tourism was well below the rate of growth of hotel supply. It was known that when this great offer was ready, it would not have the arrival of tourists to fill the rooms. A State project had to be done to promote the country and manage to alleviate this element. In addition, it has happened that the oil fell and the Latin American producing countries had a devaluation of their currencies that made coming to Panama very expensive.


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