Plan to RESCUE mangroves as opposed to destroy them is a step in right direction.


A pilot plan to rescue the mangroves at the mouth of the Juan Díaz River is implemented between the Nature Foundation and the Municipality of Panama.

Specifically, the project seeks to protect the coastline, so that the mangroves can withstand the forces of the waves. For this, dry mangrove trees will be used, which will be placed as a barrier and prevent erosion of the river bank.

In recent years, the mouth of the Juan Diaz River has begun to deteriorate and erode, due to the strong tides and deforestation of mangroves in the Bay of Panama, to give way to buildings and landfills.

The Deputy Mayor of Panama, Raisa Banfield , explained that after the placement of the dry mangrove barrier the second phase of the plan will begin, which involves reforesting the area with red mangrove.

This type of project has already been implemented by the Nature Foundation on the coasts of Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro, with the aim of recovering the deteriorated coastal ecosystems of these regions.

According to Banfield, if this mangrove recovery system works as expected, it would become a model to follow to rescue the coastline of the entire protected area known as wetlands of the Bay of Panama.

This ecological reserve was created in 2014 and includes the portion of the coastline of the Bay of Panama that runs from Juan Díaz to Chimán. Its amplitude is more than 85 thousand hectares.



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