Over 200 million dollars expected for Panama for WYD

World Youth Day (WYD)

WYD Committee asks for more support from private companies


The World Youth Day (WYD), which will take place from January 22 to 27, 2019, will not only capture the eyes of thousands of tourists but will also bring an economic boom of millions of dollars.

According to Roberto Alfaro, director of collection of the Local Committee of the WYD, only in the month of January will enter the Panamanian soil between $ 200 million and $ 250 million just for the completion of WYD.

He stressed that, added to this, WYD will change the image of Panama to the world with the three thousand journalists who will come from 190 countries to cover this mega-event.

For this reason, Alfaro asked for the support of Panamanians and companies, because WYD will bring profits to Panama. “It is a state event and what is coming is good for the country,” he said.

The participation of the companies is already registered, since 100 have cooperated in giving cars that will transport Pope Francis and the bishops, with the rent of premises, the disposition of the work of people as external auditors and lawyers. They have also donated meals and other items.

READ MORE;http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/200-millones-entraran-pais-enero/24059745

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