Only 1 of 3 vital environmental areas protected in Cerro Canajagua.


Only one of the three areas of the Cerro Canajagua National Park, in the province of Los Santos, is protected by a municipal agreement; the rest lacks that shielding.

Only the Municipal Council of Las Tablas through Agreement No. 22 declares Cerro Canajagua as a forest, animal and river reserve. This park is located in the corregimiento of Bayano, district of Las Tablas.

In as much, the municipal councils of Guararé and Macaracas have not legislated on the subject, which maintains zones in the corregimientos of the Macano, Hawthorn and Mogollón without municipal agreement that protects them.

Consulted on the subject, the director in charge of the Ministry of Environment in Los Santos, Bolívar Domínguez, said that studies have been carried out in the region with biologists, entomologists, hydrologists, zoologists, topographers, botanists and specialists in flora and fauna.

In the corregimiento of Bayano, property titles are not being processed.

From this work in the field of professionals will be obtained the reports of origin to a ministerial resolution where the true limits of those areas are indicated and the points are placed.

Dominguez said that for the corregimiento of Bayano, where the municipal agreement of Las Tablas is in force, property titles are not being processed.

On the other hand, the Pro Conservation Foundation of the Panamanian Primates requested that the condition of protected forest be retained on the Canajagua hill because it presents an ecological niche available for supplying the spider monkeys.

Among the species identified in this national park are the ñeque, gatoolo, coconut cat, castor fox, common fox, red squirrel, yellow squirrel, armadillo, raccoon, anthill, mulete rabbit, painted rabbit, ocelot. At the same time, two types of canids have been detected, one is the gray fox and the coyote.


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