ODEBRECHT: Inside the anatomy of a corrupt enterprise.


*Great insightful expose of the investigation into Odebrecht.



ICIJ: leaks reveal that Odebrecht did not tell everything
Although the Brazilian company undertook to cooperate, in practice there are proven facts that have not been revealed. The Consortium of Investigative Journalists reveals unpublished details.

Results of the ICIJ investigation

In December 2016, when Odebrecht recognized its vast system of corruption – which the US Department of Justice (US) described as “the largest case of foreign bribery in history” – a wave of political scandals erupted throughout Latin America .

  • info
    ICIJ: Filtering of documents reveals new millionaire payments associated with Odebrecht scandal
    Governments, presidents and high-ranking officials fell, as well as Odebrecht executives. They passed through the corridors of power to sleep behind bars. In his confession, the company gave details of his crimes and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors throughout the region committed to bringing those involved to justice.

However, Odebrecht did not tell the whole story.

New research from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reveals that the Odebrecht Structured Operations Sector – also known as the “Bribery Division” – made payments in exchange for contracts that were even larger of what the company has admitted and that involve prominent figures and huge public works projects that are not mentioned in the pending legal cases or in any other official investigation until now.

The new finding comes from the filtering of 13 thousand documents and records of its bribery division, housed in an encrypted communication platform known as Drousys.

These records were obtained by the Ecuadorian news organization La Posta, and then shared with the ICIJ. The same records were also obtained, independently, by the Ecuadorian mil mil Hojas , which was added to the project.

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