No surprise here. Beaches reach capacity during Carnival.

Human Interest

Overcrowded were the beaches and rivers of the coast up and down Colón, during the four days of carnivals in these communities.

Visitors – national and foreign – visited Cuango, Puerto Lindo, Palenque, Isla Grande, Nombre de Dios, Santa Isabel, Viento Frio, Cacique, Portobelo, Miramar, María Chiquita and Playa Chiquita in the districts of Santa Isabel and Portobelo.

Others preferred to visit Palmas Bellas, Chagres, Piña, Salud, Río Indio, Miguel de la Borda, Icacal and Gobea, in the districts of Chagres and Donoso.

The sticky Congo dancing, discos, devils and other attractions were the trigger for this party.


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