More journalists abducted near Ecuador border

The government of Ecuador announced on Tuesday, April 17, that two other people were kidnapped on the border with Colombia, according to a video sent by the same group that killed the three journalists from El Comercio .

“Through the channel of communication with alias Guacho (leader of the captors) we have received information yesterday evening at night about a new kidnapping of two citizens,” informed the Ecuadorian Interior Minister, Cesar Navas.

Guacho, the leader of the Oliver Sinisterra Front that has been spreading terror on the border for weeks, made known the kidnapping of a couple, a man and a woman of those who do not know the name and nationalities, through “a life test video “.

Until Tuesday, there had been no report of new disappearances on the border.

The minister recalled that “it is the first time” that Guacho sends a proof of life directly to the government of Ecuador. “Not as on previous occasions that he did it through Colombian media,” he said.



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