More delays and stalls for scumbags. Judges reviewing FIFER most recent request.


Judges of the Trial Court of Coclé, Amarelis Sucre (speaker), Florelia Bonilla and Omaira Macías, ordered an evaluation by the Institute of Legal and Forensic Medicine of the ex-governor of Coclé, Richard Fifer, as he presented a medical disability and did not attend this act of hearing.

The doctor must certify if the defendant can attend the hearing and for how long he can remain on the stand, since it is not the first time he has medical disability.

The judges denied the request of the Sixth Anticorruption prosecutor, Aurelio Vásquez, and the complainant by the Social Security Fund about the change of the precautionary measure for a periodic report, for provisional detention.

The judges based their decision on that there is no neglect of the process, as indicated by the prosecutor and the complainant, in addition to that they stated that they have no doubts about the medical certificates that the accused has presented, which were confirmed by the Institute. Legal Medicine.


UPDATED:  12:19pm EST. was contacted by email via Hawaii, US to inquire into any other information that perhaps would not have appeared in mass media being heard in regards to PETRAQUILLA and Richard Fifer in particular.



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