Meduca demands solutions to infrastructure problems


The teachers will form a ‘tamborito’ to the educational institution, because they are tired of so many problems


The Ministry of Education (Meduca) does not leave one problem when it falls into another. Year after year, teachers’ unions have been very critical in demanding solutions to infrastructure problems, the lack of teachers, among other irregularities.

This year, one month and 20 days after the start of classes, these problems persist. To the point that teachers, students and parents of some schools have closed streets and protested about this situation.

Such is the case of the Richard Neumann School, which on Monday announced a 48-hour work stoppage which could be extended in rejection of the closure of some classrooms in the afternoon shift by Meduca, due to the lack of students.

The others are the Isabel Herrera Obaldía Professional School and the José Antonio Remón Cantera. All located in Paitilla. These needs are also latent, in other school sites that have also pressed with protests. It is the General Basic Educational Center of La Siesta, in Tocumen, the Jeptha B. Duncan Technical Professional Institute, in the corregimiento 24 de Diciembre and others.

But the demand of the masterful guilds will once again be felt in the streets, since on Friday, April 27, they will have a great march from the República de Venezuela school in Calidonia, until they reach the Presidency of the Republic.

In this concentration, according to Diógenes Sánchez, leader of the teachers, it is expected that between five thousand and ten thousand educators will participate, because the call will be attended by representatives of different provinces as well.


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