“Lord of Miracles” procession melds Christianity and “Witches”.

Local Culture

In 1709, in a remote village of Veraguas, the most famous case of witchcraft on the Isthmus took place, and although the witches (os), the elves, as well as other creatures have not completely abandoned the imaginary of all their inhabitants, today The Table – where the event occurred – is mostly known for the Christian fervor that awakens the celebration of the ‘Lord of Miracles’, a paradox of light and shadow.

A little more than thirty minutes from Santiago is La Mesa. Those who attend the town between May 5 and 6 for the celebration of the ‘Lord of Miracles’ do so by different means: car, motorcycle, bus, horseback or on foot. Those who, because of economic deprivation or devotion, choose to walk, start their journey much earlier and are usually mostly peasants.

Neither the hot sun nor the torrential rains manage to stop the walking of these devout walkers, motivated by their cult towards a representation of the crucified Christ to whom they attribute miracles. Even the night does not stop them, which for many still hides in the shadows the Tulivieja or the Chivato.

Travelers will not be the only believers present in this scenario. The curious assistant will understand this when he finds that the residents of La Mesa show the human quality that is expected to be found in those who worship the famous mythological character who died on the cross.

Water, food, shelter from the sun, rest or whatever they can offer visitors. The locals welcome them with open arms and without expecting something in return, or maybe they just need to thank or receive a smile.More than the feast of an image, it is that of the pilgrim, to receive the one who comes.


READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/paradoja-sombra-fervor-cristiano-brujas/24062648

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