International Fair of Azuero turns 56
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Entertainment, Local Culture, Panama Tourism

With the participation of some 600 exhibitors, on the night of Thursday, April 19, the fifty-sixth version of the International Fair of Azuero was inaugurated in La Villa de Los Santos, which will run until May 1.
The president of the event, Alberto Castillero, said that for the first time the board is betting on photovoltaic energy, through the installation of solar panels, as a way to lower the costs of electricity.
“The fair event offers a multiplicity of attractions because Azuero is a town underway,” he said.
Meanwhile, the President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, who was responsible for inaugurating the FIA, devoted much of his speech to praise the amount of works that are executed in Azuero and that exceed $ 800 million.
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