Inside Job as 26 arrested for Bank Fraud


The First Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime carried out a joint operation with the Directorate of Judicial Investigation in which approximately 26 people were arrested related to the damage of about $ 3 million against Banistmo.

The prosecution charged the detainees, who worked in the bank, for financial crime. The operation began in the early hours of yesterday, with 40 arrest warrants that also included former employees of the bank and individuals.

The modus operandi, explained the prosecutor David Mendoza, was that employees were allowed to have shares of the entity with a value. When the employment relationship ended, they had the option of maintaining or transferring them. “However, there is an irregular relationship that causes damage to the bank,” explained the prosecutor.

The authorities indicated that cash and goods were seized during the operation. It was carried out in Panamá Oeste, Panamá and San Miguelito.

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