Independent candidates collecting the required signatures for primaries


Dimitri Flores , Ana Matilde Gómez and Ricardo Lombana continue leading the list of presidential candidates for free application with more signatures collected.

The footprint of the parties in the signatures of the independents
Electoral Tribunal rejects more than 77 thousand signatures to independent pre-candidates
Flores, Gómez and Lombana lead list of independent candidates with more signatures
A recent report from the Electoral Tribunal (TE) highlights that Flores leads with 62,871 accepted signatures, which were validated on September 8.

Meanwhile, the deputy Gómez was accepted 54 192 192 signatures, so it is in second place. While the lawyer Lombana accepted 20 thousand 550.

In fourth place is the 2014 independent presidential candidate Gerardo Barroso, who has 11,662 accepted signatures; and of fifth the professor Miguel Antonio Bernal with 9 thousand 661.

In this list comes the ex-legislator Marco Ameglio , who a few weeks ago had announced that he had collected some 26 thousand signatures.


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