Independent candidate signatures rejected in MASS by Electoral Tribunal


The Electoral Tribunal (TE) revealed in a report that it has rejected 77,784 signatures to independent candidates who aspire to the Presidency of the Republic .

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These invalidations are related to, at least, 17 legal causes, publicly disclosed from the controversy involving several independent candidates due, precisely, to the elimination of collected signatures to complete their aspirations to participate in the 2019 contest.

Among the irregularities that the TE has found in the inscription books of the precandidates are the signatures of foreigners, minors and citizens who have been disqualified due to electoral crimes.


The report details, for example, that 41 thousand 689 signatures have been rejected because they are not the same as that of the card holder and another 12 thousand 543 because the name does not match the one that appears on the card.

8,373 signatures have also been invalidated because the citizens signed the same pre-candidate twice. Meanwhile, 5 thousand 862 rubrics were rejected because the citizens signed another pre-candidate for the same position.

In the same way, the report shows that 3 thousand 238 identity card numbers do not exist.


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