How is Climate change affecting the Canal?


In the last 32 years (1985-2017), the temperature in the water basin of the Panama Canal increased by an average of 0.5 degrees centigrade.

It is a climatic variation that alerts the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), taking into account that the result of this change translates into a “water deficit” marked in the last five years.

These data were published in a report by the ACP and collected by means of annual monitoring at the hydrometric stations located in the main rivers: Chagres, Pequení, Boquerón, Trinidad and Cirí Grande , as well as for the reservoirs: Gatún and Alajuela.

Although at first sight the figure of 0.5 degrees Celsius seems low, for Carlos Vargas, vice president of Environment, Water and Energy of the ACP, is “a lot” if you consider parameters such as the Paris Agreement , signed in France in 2015 by 195 countries , in order to combat climate change and have a future with low carbon emissions.

This agreement was intended to keep the temperature rise in this century well below 2 degrees Celsius, and even push efforts to limit the increase below 1.5 degrees, as a more secure line of defense against the worst impacts of the climate change.


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