ENGLISH VERSION: Zulay Rodriguez blasts electric companies for price increases


The deputy of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Zulay Rodríguez presented before the plenary of the National Assembly, a draft law that sets standards to the electricity companies when they request an increase in tariffs and that forces them to publish on their website their audited financial reports every year.

The document establishes that any company linked to the energy sector that generates, transports or distributes electric power in the Republic of Panama, prior to the submission of a schedule of tariff increase, must submit a detailed and detailed report of the causes that justify this increase. .

The financial reports of the semester prior to the presentation of the tender document must be attached to this document.

Similarly, Rodriguez explained, the companies interested in the increase should detail the factors that motivate such increase among them: production costs, state of the country, wind generation capacity and solar generation, fuel increase, price at which bought fuel in the six months prior to the request for an increase, duly endorsed by the Secretariat of Energy of Panama; any other requirements established by the Energy Price Increase Assessment Commission.

It will also be the obligation of the companies that generate, transport or distribute electric power in the Republic of Panama, publish on their website their audited financial reports every year, in such a way that they are public knowledge, as it is the provision of public services .

READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/diputada-zulay-rodruguez-presenta-anteproyecto-para-regular-empresas-electricas/24072810

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