Drug arrest in Chiriqui
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Crime, Local Culture

Those apprehended and the evidence were placed at the orders of the competent authority, for the corresponding procedures.
A Panamanian and a woman of Colombian nationality were detained in the province of Chiriquí, when they were traveling in a vehicle with two minors. When checking the car, the Senafront units detected illicit substances on the spare tires.
About 20 rectangular packages covered with gray adhesive tape, with the drug known as cocaine; They also underwent a physical examination, finding 1.40 balboas and two cell phones.
Those apprehended and the evidence were placed at the orders of the competent authority, for the corresponding procedures.
READ MORE:http://elsiglo.com.pa/cronica-roja/panameno-colombiana-detenidos-droga-chiriqui/24058744
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