Dolega banking on organic brown sugar


The producer Arcadio Pitty explained that the process for the confection of the candy consists first in cutting the cane of sugar

Dolega With the objective of promoting the activity of panela or raspadura, the farmers of Palma Real and Rovira de Dolega, in Chiriquí, manage with MIDA that their product is certified as organic and thus expand their participation in the market.

The organization is made up of 14 producers. The head of the MIDA in Potrerillos, Aminta Serrud, explained that in Dolega more than 300 hectares of sugarcane are grown from varieties that have shown excellent yield for the production of panela.

Alexis Álvarez, inspector of Organic Agriculture of the MIDA, assured that very soon they will be delivering the first certifications of organic panela in Chiriquí.

“There has been a satisfactory transition from traditional to organic production, complying with current regulations,” he explained.


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