CSS says there are almost 2000 complaints before the Public Ministry


The Social Security Fund (CSS) said in a statement that the Institution maintains 1,915 complaints before the Public Prosecutor’s Office

The Social Security Fund (CSS) said in a statement that the institution maintains 1,915 complaints before the Public Ministry and 2,048 administrative cases. He explains that they have been sued, punished and convicted for omitting the payment of dues to employers who have breached their obligations and affected the finances of the Institution.

Complete message:

For a year, this management of the Social Security Fund has shown its firmest intention to recover the goods and resources that belong to it. Conditions that we inherited merited denunciations for withholdings and evasions in the payment of quota; omissions and penalties, falsification of cards and carnets, certificates of peace and save, underreporting in the form, even frauds, as well as other infractions.

Thirty-six percent (36%) of all cases of retention of quotas in the criminal sphere since 2005 have been reported in the last twelve months.

At the moment, the Institution maintains 1,915 complaints before the Public Ministry and 2,048 administrative cases. They have sued, sanctioned and condemned for omission in the payment of quotas to employers who have breached their obligations and affected the finances of the Institution. We also do not hesitate to separate officials involved in irregular acts.

READ MORE;http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/envia-mensaje-ciudadania/24060175

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