China continues to explore investing in Panama


A mission of the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) is located in Panama to explore investment and business opportunities in the country.

The delegation of more than 30 businessmen from the sectors of energy, urban construction, machinery, environment, electronic products, technology, textiles and transport participates in an exchange of information with local businessmen in the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama .

Panama is one of the most competitive countries in the logistics sector in the region, which places it in the 40th position out of 160 in the logistics performance index worldwide, recalled Rafael Zúñiga Brid, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce.

“We are the first Latin American country with the highest levels of logistics infrastructure development, for this reason, we invite Chinese businessmen to know more about our country and take advantage of the benefits offered by our logistics platform to help to increase their commercial relations with businessmen from this side of the world, “said Zúñiga.


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