CCIAP calls for oversight of discretionary spending


The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) yesterday asked the National Assembly to stop the discretionary use of State resources through the deputies.

In a pronouncement of this business entity signed by its president, Gabriel Barletta, the CCIAP asks the members of the Assembly to fulfill the function for which its members were elected. That is, to legislate for the common interest by issuing laws that, in addition to contributing to the consolidation and strengthening of the Rule of Law, permanently update and modernize national standards, in accordance with the international progress of the various subject matters of his institutional work.

The businessmen point out that for reasons not considered in our constitutional order, during the last administrations and in execution of the respective general budgets of the State, the deputies of the Republic carry out different tasks with the discretionary management of public funds.

The CCIAP questioned the existence of an ‘inflated payroll’ destined to the salaries of immediate collaborators of the deputies, ‘covered with cosmetic euphemisms’ and the emergence of three other forms used to pay emoluments in the Assembly.


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