
PREZ MULINO: Take a look at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas!! New ASEP fines for operating without concession.

How does 20 years under 4 administrations without a concession sound?  Arbitrarily assigning different prices per KwH that are unregulated and essentially a “monopoly” run by an asshole that has been permitted to act with impunity.   TAKE A LOOK at ECO-FLOW.    Your Welcome Prez.  Your pal-  “JB”.  AMERICAN and …

Real Estate

Panama Real Estate still not recovering from “years” of shady operations. Need REAL groups.

The main reasons for these complaints were due to refunds, hidden defects, lack of information and abusive clauses, according to Acodeco data. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/quejas-contra-inmobiliarias-superan-los-8-millones-a-mayo-DX7716126?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc A total of 222 complaints against real estate companies were filed with the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), from January to May 2024. …


Who would sacrifice “God Given Natural Beauty” to make a buck?? Give you one hint……..

Op Ed: Well the holidays were fantastic. Got to see my Grandaughter ( my God is she growing!!) . She made the Dean’s List, and she is becoming John Legend on the piano. I truly hope everyone else’s was as rewarding as mine. Even got the wife to somehow chug …


EX-PATS: Perform your Due Diligence BEFORE writing the check in PANAMA investment.

“JB” Op Ed If your new to this blog, pay close attention. If your a veteran, same old story of me venting my shit. I just posted a POSITIVE outlook contributed by both La Estrella, CNN, and Trip Advisor, that list PANAMA as a “must visit” tourist destination. Key word …


“Costa del Este” forming into the Monaco of LATAM real estate in terms of pricing.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/economia/costa-del-este-el-barrio-mas-caro-de-america-central-CB5672602 An investigation carried out by three real estate portals places Costa del Este as one of the places where it is most expensive to buy apartments Buying an apartment in the exclusive neighborhood of Costa del Este, in the town of Juan Díaz, in Panama City, is more expensive …