As Russia sanctions tighten, Panama sees rise at the pump.


The price of gasoline and diesel suffer another increase. This Friday, at 6:00 am the new maximum prices come into effect

Increase. The price of gasoline and diesel suffer another increase. This Friday, at 6:00 am The new maximum sale prices of liquid fuel in Panama begin to take effect.

In the provinces of Panama and Colón, a liter of 95-octane gasoline will cost $1,165 (+0.106); while that of 91 octane will be at S1.133 (+0.100), according to the National Secretary of Energy.

The Secretariat indicated that the cost of a liter of diesel will be $1.133 (+0.163).

Upon conversion, 95 octane gasoline will increase $0.40 per gallon; the 91 octane $.0.38; and the diesel $.0.62.

These prices will be valid until 5:59 am on February 11, 2022.

Yesterday, the carriers presented at the table of the national dialogue in favor of transportation, that the prices of gasoline and diesel be frozen. Remaining that the price of diesel will be frozen at 2.40 per gallon and gasoline at 3.00 for six months, but if it falls below the stipulated prices, said measure would be without effect.

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