Arbitration rejected, as SUNTRACS continues past 28 days

Human Interest

The strike in the construction sector – paralyzed for 28 days – will continue until the 2018 and 2021 collective agreement between the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) and the Single Trade Union of Construction Workers is signed directly. and Similar (Suntracs ).

+ info
Suntracs will define today in assembly the approach of an arbitration
Arbitration distance even more to the Capac and the Suntracs
The Panamanian Chamber of Construction proposes arbitration
The decision was put to a vote on the morning of this Tuesday, May 15 at a general assembly held in the Porras Park.

Saúl Méndez, secretary general of Suntracs, also put to a vote the proposed arbitration proposed by Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela.

The majority of the workers decided that they do not go to arbitration; only one agreed.


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