Anton rivers and beaches moratorium lifted for public use.


The Mayor’s Office of Antón published a decree that annulled the resolution that regulated the use of beaches, rivers and spas in the district, reported the Panama Tourism.

The Mayor’s Office of Antón published a decree that annulled the resolution that regulated the use of beaches, rivers and spas in the district, reported the Panama Tourism Authority.

In this same document, the mayor’s office recalled the use of four-wheel-type motor vehicles, which must circulate only in permitted areas, and ordered that all street vendors comply with the municipal registry, among other measures.

The lifting of the time restrictions on the use of beaches comes after a strong wave of criticism from public opinion. The first local authority to react to media pressure was the Government of Panama Oeste, which also annulled resolution No. 035-2022 of December 28, 2022, which established a schedule for staying on the beaches from Monday to Sunday from 6:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon.

The National Chamber of Tourism of Panama, among other organizations, had requested the elimination of said resolution.

However, the new resolution of Panama Oeste establishes a discriminatory schedule from Monday to Sunday from 6:00 am to 5:30 pm for the access and use of beaches, rivers, lakes and/or public spas within the province of Panama Oeste. , applicable solely and exclusively for people who arrive at the place by public transport: “public transport drivers”, “passengers or promoters who carry out activities for recreational purposes”, the document indicates.

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