75% of Panamanians receiving some measure of Social Security assistance.

Human Interest

The population protected by the Social Security Fund (CSS) between 1990 and 2016 went from 1.2 million to 3 million 26,769 people, which represents 75% of the country’s population.

The figures, from the CSS and the Comptroller General of the Republic , show that in 26 years the entity went on to have almost 2 million more people protected, including contributors, retirees and dependents.

In other words, the population that needs to be attended to and paid for is higher, such as pensions, subsidies and pensions.

A report from the Office of the Comptroller on the aging of the population in 2016 reveals that the proportion of people over 60 in the country will begin to increase after 2020 and is expected to continue rising to 24% of the total population in the year 2050.

Given the increase in people over 60 years of age, it is necessary for CSS to make decisions soon regarding the program of Disability, Old Age and Death and with reforms to the Organic Law.

READ MORE:https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/poblacion-afiliado-CSS_0_5034996570.html

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