5.2 magnitude quake rattles Mexico City


An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 caused the earthquake warning to sound in Mexico City today, with no reports of casualties or property damage. The quake occurred at 09:20 local time (14.20 GMT) with origin 24 kilometers southwest of Arcelia, in the southern state of Guerrero, according to the National Seismological Service, which in an initial report had given a magnitude of 5.3 .

“At the moment the State Civil Protection units where the earthquake was felt a few minutes ago do not report affectations, we continue with the monitoring,” said the national coordinator of Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, through Twitter. He specified that there has been no damage in the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Morelos, Michoacán and the State of Mexico, according to reports from government agencies in those areas.

The sound of the horns of the seismic warning system caused many people to take to the streets in the capital. The young Midori Torres, who was working in a cafeteria in the Condesa neighborhood, told Efe that she left quickly with her companions when she heard the warning sound. “We left quickly because we are already very scared by the earthquakes that are lived here,” he said.


READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/internacional/america/temblor-magnitud-52-dispara-alerta-sismica-mexico/24063471

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