33% of Panamanians have confidence in the government

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) defended the recent policies adopted in Panama to strengthen the bond of trust between the State and society, such as the reform of public procurement laws in order to make administration more transparent and competitive, or the new rules on transparency in public management, which provide for the openness and availability of information for the public.

This was stated in the Economic Perspectives of Latin America 2018 report published Monday in Paris jointly by the Development Center of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UN (ECLAC) and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF).

However, the report, which portrays citizens’ perception of public institutions, concludes that only 33% of Panamanians trusted the government in 2016, a figure below the OECD average (37%).

However, the country occupies one of the first positions in the list that analyzes in the region the degree of confidence of citizens in public entities.

READ MORE;https://www.prensa.com/economia/OCDE-panamenos-expresaron-confianza-Gobierno_0_5004249536.html


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