Zulay steamed as plug pulled in the middle of her rant!! Kinda funny though.

As she was talking about “double standards”, her mic was cut. Kinda good timing.
According to Rodríguez, they turned off her microphone when she began to explain about the double agendas
In the intervention of the presidential candidate for free nomination, Zulay Rodríguez, in the conversation on freedom of expression, journalism and education for democracy, her microphone was turned off for spanning a few minutes.

Faced with this situation, the candidate reacted through her social networks, where she wrote: “If you know what I am, why are you inviting me?”

She also emphasized that this Monday, April 8, she went “to the forum on freedom of expression. And when I started to address the uncomfortable topics about media manipulation, lawfare and the double agenda of some candidates, they turned off my microphone! So what freedom of expression are we talking about?”

At the beginning of this event they said that each candidate had two minutes to present their ideas. Obviously, they were warned, as in other debates, that their microphone would be turned off.

The organizers detailed at the beginning of the conversation the rules that presidential candidates should follow.

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Every swing is coming up a miss as powers try to stifle Mulino and “Realizing Goals”.

The lawyers recalled that Mulino’s candidacy has already participated in the voting process. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/politica/juristas-afirman-que-en-el-caso-mulino-ya-hay-sustraccion-de-materia-XF7153716?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc The jurists Miguel Antonio Bernal, Italo Antinori, Juan Carlos Araúz and José Alberto Álvarez requested on the morning of this Monday, April 29, to the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice, through the rapporteur …

Bocas del Toro
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Mulino- Pushing hard for clean and free elections.

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