Young people in Panama finding it harder to get a job


When it comes to finding a job , young people have the most difficult task. Be men or women, live in Panama, London or the United States.

In the Panamanian case, it is estimated that each year about 70,000 young people intend to enter the labor market, according to official statistics, but are at least twice as likely as adults not to find a job.

Part of the problem is that there is no connection between what young people study and what the market demands.

On the other hand, some young people attend bachelor’s degrees and then specializations or master’s degrees, but when they go out in search of a job they are limited by lack of experience.

Some applicants are selected from the vacancies available, but again the lack of experience becomes an obstacle to achieving their salary aspirations.

Those who find themselves in this situation usually reject the offers or take them temporarily until they balance their finances and continue looking for the dream job.


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