While Venezuela crumbles around him, fat ass Maduro enjoys gourmet cuisine

World Events

The diffusion in social networks of some photographs and videos in which Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro appears in a restaurant of a renowned Turkish chef on Monday unleashed a polemic in the South American country sunk in a complex economic and social crisis.

“This is a once in a lifetime, right?” Says Maduro while observing Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe, nicknamed Salt Bae, when he cuts some pieces of meat for the president and first lady Cilia Flores, as shown by one of the videos broadcast on Twitter.

In another recording the governor appears smoking a cigar and seeing a T-shirt of the renowned chef, and in another Maduro is seen hugging Salt Bae, who has attended to characters like Diego Armando Maradona and Hollywood actors.

In a ceremony at the government palace that was broadcast on the radio and television, Maduro confirmed that he had lunch at the Salt Bae restaurant during a brief visit to Istanbul after a tour of China.

“I send a greeting to Nusret from here, he attended us personally, we were talking, enjoying with him, a very nice man,” he added.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Videos-Nicolas-Maduro-restaurante-Estambul_0_5125737376.html

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