Varela backed Chinese bridge project winners have shady background and history


The background of the companies qualified in the tender to build the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal were not subject to analysis by the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) . But they must have been.

Several of these companies have been identified in other countries for alleged acts of corruption, collusion or agreement against third parties, and even fraud.

The MOP recognizes that it did not look for its references. But if someone from organized civil society or the media knew about anomalies, they must have been the ones who denounced it, the MOP maintains.

By not receiving any “objection” in the prequalification process, said the MOP, the companies continued in the race until the envelopes of the economic proposals were opened.

The Panama Fourth Bridge consortium – formed by China Communications Construction Company, Ltd., (CCCC) and China Harbor Engineering Company, Ltd. (CHEC) – was the winner, offering one thousand 420 million dollars, one of the lowest proposals.

But his technical proposal did not obtain the best score in the evaluation.


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