US not ruling out intervention to bring end to unrest in Venezuela

International Relations

The leader of the Committee of Armed Services of the US Senate, James Inhofe, admitted on Tuesday that a military intervention in Venezuela is an option that “is on the table” and warned that the possible presence of Russian troops in the country South American could be a turning point.

“I think it’s on the table, I think it could happen,” said Republican Inhofe when asked about possible military intervention in Venezuela during a meeting with journalists held on Tuesday at the Capitol.

“There is a guy there who is killing everybody and who could build a (military) base for Russia, which would be in our hemisphere, if something like that happens it could be the point where we have to intervene with troops,” he said. Senator in reference to the support shown by Moscow to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

The tension in Venezuela has increased since last January 23 the head of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaidó, was awarded the powers of the Executive as president in charge of the country because he considered Nicolás Maduro illegitimate after being re-elected in elections that the opposition criticizes. “fraudulent”.

This action accelerated the political crisis in Venezuela, because, in addition, a large part of the international community, such as the United States and several European and Latin American countries, has given its support to Guaidó and pressures to call for elections.

Inhofe insisted that the sending of troops would depend, mainly, on the Venezuelan government authorizing the military presence of another country – “maybe Cuba, but probably Russia” – in its territory.

“We can not allow something like this to happen (…) In that case we would have to not start a war but use force,” he said enigmatically.



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