US feels internal bickering will undermine overthrow of Maduro.

International Relations

The head of the US diplomacy, Mike Pompeo , warned in a private meeting that the internal divisions of the Venezuelan opposition are undermining the joint efforts to evict President Nicolás Maduro, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday .

“Our problem, which is to keep the opposition together, has proven to be extremely difficult,” Pompeo said according to the publication, which claims to have a recording of that comment.


OP ED: James “JB” Bryson

An opinion that was immediately denounced by the opposition party.


The Washington Post said the secretary of state made the remarks at a meeting last week in New York, despite official support from the United States to opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

The United States and more than 50 countries recognize Guaidó as interim president since he proclaimed himself on January 23. Four months later, his dispute with Nicolás Maduro for power has stalled in an economically devastated country, where shortages of food, medicines and other basic goods have pushed millions to emigrate.

Maduro has endured an intense campaign of sanctions from the United States, while being backed by Russia, China and Cuba, as well as by his military high command.

“The moment Maduro leaves, everyone will raise their hands and (say) ‘Take me, I am the next president of Venezuela.’ There would be more than 40 people who believe they are the legitimate heirs of Maduro,” he said. Pompeo, always according to the newspaper.

The high official would have blamed the opposing opposition factions for the failure of Guaidó’s attempt to promote a military overthrow against Maduro on April 30.

Although the divisions in the Venezuelan opposition are not a secret, the United States often states that the emergence of Guaidó, a 35-year-old engineer, has been a new face that has brought unity to the anti-government ranks.


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