US and Trump trying to ally with UK in HUAWEI 5G conflict.

International Relations

US President Donald Trump said he hoped his country would reach an “extraordinary” trade agreement with the United Kingdom after Brexit, and was convinced that it would reach an agreement with London on the Chinese Huawei group.

The United Kingdom had to leave the European Union on March 29, but given Parliament’s rejection of the agreement reached with Brussels by Prime Minister Theresa May , the date had to be postponed twice, now until October 31.

Internal affairs
In what many consider a new meddling in British politics, Trump spoke with candidates to succeed the prime minister. He maintained a phone call with former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who declined a meeting in person and said it would coincide with the first debate of the candidates.

Supporters of Brexit claim to be able to sign free trade agreements with third countries, and have their hopes placed in the United States, its largest trading partner, with whom exchanges reached 240 billion dollars in 2018.

There is tremendous potential in that trade agreement, Trump said at a press conference at the end of a meeting with May on the second day of his state visit. Hours earlier, during a meeting with businessmen, he had said: “I think we will have a very, very substantial commercial agreement.”

However, the controversy erupted when the United States suggested that the United Kingdom should allow the entry of US agricultural products such as chlorinated chicken and authorize American private companies to participate in the British public health service, NHS.

When you negotiate about trade, everything is on the table. Then also the NHS and all the rest, and much more, confirmed Trump.

We can sometimes differ on how to face the challenges, acknowledged May, who however will not have much to negotiate with the president because, as he announced 10 days ago, he will officially resign on Friday, although he will remain in office until his successor is appointed.

May was the first foreign president that Trump received in the White House, but the relationship between the two is not idyllic: London defends the nuclear agreement with Iran and the climate of Paris, both rejected by Washington.

And the US president pressures the United Kingdom to exclude the Chinese technological giant Huawei from its 5G network, suggesting that failure to do so could damage intelligence cooperation between the two countries.

According to the British press, May decided to allow Huawei to build parts of its next generation of mobile internet.

But Trump said he is absolutely sure that both countries will reach an agreement on the matter.


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