UPDATE: Guatemala volcano fallout making rescue efforts come to standstill

World Events

The volcano of Fire , which on Sunday recorded a powerful eruption that has left 75 dead, at least 200 missing and thousands of evacuees in Guatemala , increased its activity on Tuesday, June 5 and registered a strong explosion, reported the civil protection.

Guatemala: volcano registers between 8 and 10 explosions per hour
They return to search for victims by eruption of the Volcano of Fire
Desolation in a Guatemalan town destroyed by the fury of a volcano
“Evacuations of the surrounding communities are being carried out at this time … the activity of the Fuego volcano tends to increase,” David de León, spokesperson for the Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (Conred) , told reporters.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Volcan-Fuego-aumentar-actividad-Guatemala_0_5046995282.html

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