Two years ago he was Trump’s “right hand”, today he is in PRISON for 7 years.

US News of note

Sentenced for tax and banking fraud, the former campaign chief of US President Donald Trump will spend more than seven years in prison after being convicted by the courts.

The judge of the District of Columbia, Amy Berman Jackson, issued the sentence against Manafort for three and a half years, which will be added to the previous sentence to almost four years of jail that she received in another judicial process last week in the state of Virginia.

“It is difficult to exaggerate the number of lies, the volume of the fraud and the money involved,” Jackson said, according to a report by the Efe news agency, at the time of issuing his ruling in which the defendant’s opulent lifestyle was evident.

The bad news for Trump’s former campaign manager did not end with the ruling in the District of Columbia, since minutes after the ruling was heard, the New York Prosecutor’s Office formally accused him of sixteen counts of tax and banking fraud.

The judge remarked that Trump’s former campaign chief had spent much of his career dedicated to “cheating the system.”

Manafort, of 69 years and whose case is related to the process of the ‘Russian plot’, will have to return, in addition, 6 million dollars.

The special prosecutor Robert Mueller to investigate the ‘Russian plot’ accuses Manafort of having created a ‘network of entities and bank accounts’ in different countries to hide 75 million dollars that obtained mainly from the pro-Russian government of Ukraine and Russian oligarchs.

Manafort, who led the Trump campaign between May and August 2016, had to resign after it was discovered that he had received $ 12.7 million for secretly advising former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014), linked to Moscow.

The fall from grace of Manafort joins that of Michael Cohen, personal ex-Trump, sentenced to 3 years in prison for crimes on campaign financing, sentences with which Mueller narrows the siege on the US president.

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