Trump sends message to Nito.


OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- I wonder if he added, “Oh by the way, forget about that whole TRUMP Ocean Club and Newland Group thing. You know?, the hotel and residence fiasco where I screwed people out of their deposits. By the way, I hope your like me and doing the greatest job in the history of leadership”



The Secretary of Commerce of the United States, Wilbur Ross , expressed minutes before the inauguration of President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen that his country maintains the desire to work together with Panama , as it has been done for more than 100 years of relationshipADVERTISING

Ross stressed that US President Donald Trump sent a clear message to the new Panamanian government, stressing that Panama is a strategic partner of the United States in the region and in the world.

The representative of the North American government maintained that they are committed with making grow the economies of both countries, reason why it is hoped to work in group, reason why it extended an invitation so that president Cortizo Cohen visits the White House.

Trump sent another message to President Cortizo Cohen, “Hook’em horns”, greeting and slogan from the University of Texas , where he studied the new Panamanian ruler.

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To ALL US Ex-Pats, PNO readers, and my Panama Friends. HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!

To all of you HERE, and your families and relatives back in the States. God “help” us ALL, and God “bless’ us ALL.     Saludos- “JB”

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