Time for “Dracula” to chime in with his two cents.



Rómulo Roux, president of the Cambio Democrático party , maintains his position that if a union with another political group is materialized, he would be the one to lead that alliance for the presidency of the Republic.

He explained that the next March 19 will be the elections to choose the new conventional ones , but at a time when the Electoral Tribunal (TE) issues a resolution by which it suspends the electoral subsidy, because the conventional ones are not renewed. “We will file a reconsideration,” Roux said.

This March 19 there will be more than two thousand conventional ones to choose from. In addition, the presidency for the Women’s Secretariat and the Youth Secretariat will be elected. On June 18 will be the election for presidential candidate, mayor, representative, deputies and then the choice of the new board of directors, said the politician.

Roux referred to the gossip maintained by a group of deputies who want to take away the party and came out to clarify that the party does not belong to him, it belongs to all registered members. “I only represented a current that wants CD to win the elections in 2024 at the head of a great alliance, this is the objective of the current board of directors,” she said.

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That group of deputies who oppose him, only want the collective to give it to another, negotiate it and sell it, but not to take it to the presidency, they are only seeing how they return to the potato, either with the Realizando Metas party or with the current official. Statements given to the Radar program.

Roux admitted that he has met with other candidates, but that this group will not make an alliance with the PRD, because I am currently criticizing the administration and then for an electoral issue to speak with them, much less with the Realizando Metas party.

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