Steps taken to combat illegal fishing operations


Technicians from institutions linked to the fishing sector of Panama gathered at a technical meeting to advance in the fight against illegal fishing and in the implementation of the Agreement on Port State Measures, the Global Registry of fishing vessels, transport, refrigerated and supply, and other international instruments.

The country plays a very important role in dealing with Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) through the implementation of the Agreement and other international instruments, as it is a country that, in addition to receiving fishing products, is characterized by providing port services that allow vessels to carry out their activities.


In the region, a person eats 9.5 kg per year, less than half of the world consumption, which is around 21 kg.


of aquaculture and fisheries production in the region come from Chile, Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico.


aquaculture and fisheries production produced by the Latin American and Caribbean region against the world.

For Zuleika Pinzón, administrator of the Panama Water Resources Authority (ARAP), firm steps are being taken. “We are integrating efforts to improve the actions of Panama in our waters and deal in an integrated manner with this scourge of illegal fishing, which generates estimated losses of $ 23 billion a year globally, which gives an idea of ​​the magnitude of the problem, “Pinzón said in a press release from the FAO in Panama.



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