SOS Villages working hard to protect children

Local Culture

Guaranteeing the permanence of children in their homes, as well as strengthening the role of families and communities in the care of infants, are the main objectives of a new campaign in favor of children.

This is an initiative promoted by the members of the SOS Children’s Villages , which is called “# SíMeImportan” and which was launched simultaneously in 19 countries in Latin America.

The social proposal seeks to create community committees in the regions of the country where SOS has care centers, such as Colón, Coclé and Panama, with the purpose of orienting families of children at social risk and thus prevent young children from reaching shelters.

Domingo Barrios , president of the board of directors of Aldeas Infantiles SOS, invited society in general, to join the commitment to “fight for the right of all children to live in a family that cares for them”.



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