River flooding affected pipeline leading to water restriction


Several sectors were left without water


Residents of different neighborhoods located on the Tocumen road were affected by the supply of drinking water since last Friday night.

The lack of this resource occurred when a 42-inch pipe was blocked, due to residues that were washed away by the heavy downpour.

The Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers National (IDAAN), reported that the affectation happened near the Matías Hernández Hospital, in the corregimiento of Río Abajo.

Given the situation presented, they warned that there would be low pressure or lack of water in areas such as Villa Lucre to Bello Horizonte, Costa del Este Juan Diaz, Ciudad Radial, Costa Azul and surrounding areas.

Susana Peña, metropolitan manager of IDAAN, said that ‘since yesterday [Friday] we are making different adjustments, first the land, we had to wait for the water levels of the river to fall’.

READ MORE;http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/crecida-afecto-tuberia/24060727

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