Rice farmers ask for 10 million in government incentives
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Economy

Next May 15, rice producers nationwide will have five and a half months of not receiving the payment of $ 7.50 per quintal that is part of the National Agreement for Agro, which dates from 2014 and will add $ 10 million to that date.
Given this fact, the members of the Association of Rice Producers of East Panama and Darien (Apaped) met yesterday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) with the owner of the Agricultural Development Bank (BDA), Ricardo Solis, but it will not be until next Wednesday when they will have the confirmation of the game to make the payment.
Cesar Cruz Vega, president of the Apaped, regretted the delay in fulfilling the commitments agreed between the National Government and rice producers, with the compensation of $ 7.50 per quintal placed in the agroindustrial plants. “It is not a subsidy that we demand, but the cancellation agreed with MIDA as an incentive for the production of the grain,” the producer said.
The rice was emphatic to say that generally the preparation of land, for planting is made in late May and early June, but because the rains have been presented before, the process must be advanced and for this they need to pay off the debts with the commercial houses that supply them with both seeds and other inputs.
READ MORE;http://laestrella.com.pa/economia/arroceros-piden-gobierno-pago-10-millones-incentivos/24061000
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